No Matter Where You Come From

The doors of our church are open to you, no matter where you have come from on your spiritual journey. Perhaps you would describe yourself in one or more of these ways:

  • I’m not sure if I believe in God or the Bible.
  • I consider myself a Christian.
  • I come from another religious tradition, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, etc.

The journey looks different for each of us as we learn the Bible together, God helps us to see Him as He truly is and see our real need for His love and grace.


As God’s children, we grow spiritually as we study the Word of God and become disciples in the way Jesus Christ taught us to live. “Disciple” is a word that simply means student or apprentice.

A very important step in becoming is disciple is entering into a relationship with God, by faith.

We would love to share more with you about how you can become a Christian.


We look forward to helping you grow as you continue your spiritual journey.